
Before you sign up, please make sure you have a business registered in the Dutch Caribbean

For this business, you need to provide the following:

Chamber of Commerce (KVK) excerpt 
Max. 6 months old
Online- or stamped/scanned version (for Curaçao, a PDF from will do)
Full document, partial documents not allowed
Active registration
Registered trade name and corresponding activities
PDF or JPG/PNG file format

Proof of Tax (CRIB) number
Official document must state CRIB number & business name
Max. 6 months old
Online- or stamped/scanned version (for Curaçao, a PDF from will do)
Full document, partial documents not allowed
Financial information may be covered
PDF or JPG/PNG format

Passports of all Chamber of Commerce registrants & UBO’s
Color copy
Full document, all information visible, no covered parts.
PDF or JPG/PNG format
Please note: ID card (Sedula) & driver's license are not allowed.

Bank statement
Official document must state (MCB’s partial) bank account number & business name
Max. 6 months old
Online- or scanned version
Full document, partial documents not allowed
Financial information may be covered
PDF or JPG/PNG format

Contact person
In case the contact person signing the agreement is not listed in the CoC register, please provide:
Signed Power of Attorney
Full document, partial documents not allowed
Passport if not already known (see: Passport)
PDF or JPG/PNG format


Next, please note the following:

All merchants will be asked to provide financial projections / TPR

Website requirements (if applicable)
Clear representation of legal name, Chamber of Commerce- and CRIB number
Two contact options (phone, e-mail)

Rental Business (if applicable)
You will be asked to provide us with the Terms & Conditions, a rental contract and your waiver (if applicable).
Preferably, the terms and conditions are clearly visible on your website.

Foundation (if applicable)
For a Foundation additional documents are required, see “additional information”

Additional information
Depending on your application / business, we might ask to provide us with:
Articles of incorporation
Stock register

Compliance fee
Depending on the information provided, we might charge you a compliance fee in order to start our compliance procedure. This is usually the case for complex organizational structures.
